
Artificial Intelligence VS. COVID-19: Is it saving the world?

“ Everything we love about civilization is a product of intelligence, so amplifying our human intelligence with artificial intelligence has the potential of helping civilization flourish like never before – as long as we manage to keep the technology beneficial. “

This is what Max Tegmark; co-founder of the Future of Life Institute, has declared about AI, mentioning how we’re continuously progressing and developing through artificial intelligence. It’s all about the simulation of human intelligence in a machine that can execute tasks from daily life routine to the most complex ones achieving a specific goal.

Over the past years, there has been continuous tests and experiments to analyze the power of AI. In 2014, concerns have been raised by Elon Musk regarding AI fearing that it can be “more dangerous than nukes” and in 2018, as recorded by the Recode Interview “we ought to have a government committee that starts off with insight, gaining insight. Spends a year or two gaining insight about AI or other technologies that are maybe dangerous, but especially AI”.

However; whether you believe AI is a great asset for humanity, or you‘ve had second thoughts regarding the regulations automating and controlling it, now has proven to be the the time for AI to save the world.

Alibaba Group’s research and innovation institute DAMO Academy has developed a new diagnostic tool based on artificial intelligence, early February, 2020. According to the Chinese giant, its algorithm is capable of detecting infections with an accuracy rate of up to 96%, all in about 20 seconds. The algorithm has been trained with data and CT scans for more than 5000 confirmed [COVID-19] corona virus cases. The system has been used in over 26 hospitals in China and has effectively helped in the diagnosis of more than 30,000 cases.

It has been declared by Alibaba Group that US$ 15 Billion will be invested in DAMO Academy Research and Development to attract world-class talent, build partnerships and open research labs in 7 cities around the world, over the next couple of years.

Meanwhile, robots have been deployed around the world to fight the [COVID-19] corona virus, sanitizing hospitals, delivering food and medication to patients while taking their temperatures. Drones have also been deployed to spray disinfectants and do thermal imaging.

Photo Credit: UVD Robots

A robot has been designed at China’s Tsinghua University that can actually help in the protection of medical workers from getting infected by COVID-19. It basically conducts temperature checks, collects mouth swabs, performs ultrasounds and even deliver medicine to patients.

According to CNN Health, the first person diagnosed in the United States was thus treated by a few healthcare professionals, but also by a robot. The robot has been equipped with a stethoscope that takes the vital signs of the patient and communicates with him on a large screen.

Artificial Intelligence is set to become a giant firewall against infectious diseases and pandemics. Not only does it assist in screening and diagnostic techniques, but it is also essential in identifying potential vaccines and treatments. “High tech in general has gotten something of a bad rap, but something like this crisis shows how AI can potentially do a world of good,” says Oren Etzioni, CEO of AI2

Social Media Trends 2020
The Digital World Against COVID-19